• I used to think I hated the sound of my own voice until I first heard my voice recorded professionally. Then I realized I just hated the sound of my voice when it was poorly recorded. We started as a podcast, and from the start, I thought, “If I’m going to do this, I want it to sound incredible.” Listening to old interviews of some of my creative heroes on mediocre audio recordings hurts me with what a missed opportunity it was. We’ve gone to great lengths to build a recording studio to capture your voice in all of its unique richness. Recording your podcast, audiobook, memories, or story has never been easier. You show up with the material and we’ll do the rest.

  • Podcasting is a powerful tool. Professionally produced episodes can be a great way for potential clients to get to know you better. Some of our clients aren’t focused on reaching a large audience, because just a couple hundred listeners can mean a lot of new enthusiastic clients who already love their work, while others hope to reach the masses.

    Want to start a weekly show? We can plan and set up a recording schedule which means your show is ready to publish week after week. All you have to do is bring the talent (you).

  • There is no excuse for your work to be read by a voice actor. As an avid audiobook listener, I would much prefer to hear your unique voice sharing the story as it’s meant to be read, rather than a “professional” with no attachment to the material. We have a nice open studio, instead of a stuffy closet typical of most other studios, and we have a nice rest area and a cute creek for your breaks. Every chapter will be properly separated, labeled, and ready to upload. Let’s make a fun few days out of what can be a tedious slog.

Ready to get your project started?


  • San Anselmo, CA

    Square 1 Studio is located 30 minutes north of San Francisco in the beautiful town of San Anselmo, California.

  • Contact Us

    Email: info@square1.studio

    Phone: 415-799-6653

  • Business Hours

    Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm

    Friday: By Appointment

    Sat & Sun: By Appointment